Chelsea Supporters’ Club Vancouver

Annual Report and Financial Statements

Management Report of Chelsea Supporters’ Club Vancouver for the Year to May 31, 2024

CHELSEA SUPPORTERS CLUB VANCOUVER is incorporated under the British Columbia Societies Act. Registration number S0073275

June 27, 2024

Firstly, thank you to our Treasurer, Harvey Lawson and Assistant Treasurer Peter Young for

helping to prepare the Club’s financial statement for the year June 1,2023 to May 31, 2024,

which includes the 2023-2024 Premier League football season.


Chelsea Supporters’ Club Vancouver was formed to enable Chelsea supporters to share the joy

(and occasional pain) of watching matches together and to have access to Chelsea F.C. match

tickets by qualify as an official Chelsea F.C. supporters’ club.

Chelsea Supporters’ Club Vancouver is a British Columbia registered non-profit society. As a

non-profit, after necessary expense, we endeavour to return membership fees to our members

in the form of prizes and party events, while endeavouring to maintain a healthy financial

surplus to protect the club from unforeseen expense.

So, how are we doing?


The club’s membership in the 2023-2024 season grew strongly from 207 to 268 members. The

reasons for the growth are a combination of increased promotional efforts, allied to the ease of

joining and paying fees digitally.

Membership Growth in Recent Seasons

2022-2023 175

2023-2024 207

2023-2024 268

Membership numbers prior to the Covid pandemic were around 180. We are very pleased that

we are now 50% up on that number.

Attendance at The Brass Fish

Have attendance numbers also grown by 50%? Alas, no. Attendances at The Brass Fish did

increase compared to the previous season, however the numbers remain below those recorded

at the New Oxford before the Covid-19 pandemic. The reasons are well-known. Habits changed during the pandemic with more digital engagement and less human engagement. No doubt the

change of pub venue and Chelsea’s disappointing last two seasons did affect attendances.

To re-build to the level of attendance that we had prior to the pandemic, we introduced regular

prize “give-a-ways” – Chelsea jerseys and hats – as well as hosting a Christmas holiday party

and an end of season party. These efforts have attracted more fans and return visits, and it is is

great to see regular fans winning prizes. As a not-for-profit, it is appropriate that we recycle

funds to members in that way.

Chelsea Match Tickets – Platinum Status

We were very pleased to have maintained our coveted Platinum Supporters’ Club status under

Chelsea’s ticket scheme for the 2023-2024 season and can report that we recently achieved Platinum status for

the coming 2024-2025 season.

As a result, we were able to provide close to 100 tickets to fans for home and away Chelsea

matches in the 2023-2024 season.

Platinum status is the highest status level achievable and provides us with priority access to

tickets after season ticket holders and before general members. Platinum status also provides

access to away tickets. No other status level allows access to away tickets.

Reaching the minimum number of International Members required to maintain the Platinum

status was achieved because of the 101 members who have made the additional support

commitment of becoming Chelsea F.C. International Members. As International Members they

may not be planning a trip to see Chelsea this season, but they support the common-good, so

that fellow International Members can access tickets when they visit the UK.

If you have not done so already, please become an International Member to help maintain our

status, so that when you do need tickets, we can help.

Club Finances

Turning to the club’s finances; income and expense numbers for the year to May 31, 2024, were

much larger than the previous year. Revenue almost doubled to $6,873 from $3,501 in the

previous season. The main reasons were the large increase in membership, new income from

prize draw entry fees and donations to the Brass Fish staff fund.

On the expense side, outgoings of $6,859 meant that outgoings were almost the same as our

income. The main new expenses items were over 20 prize jerseys and 20 or so prize caps for

promotion prize draws, plus the cost of food and drink for two the party events (Christmas and

the end of the season).

The result was a Net Income after outgoings of a tiny profit for the year of $14. The club remains

in a healthy financial position due to an incoming surplus on May 31, 2023 of $3,321 which

increased by the $14 profit to $3,335 at May 31, 2024.

2024-2025 Season

Our immediate priority is to maintain our Platinum Status. If you have not done so, please

become an International Member to help maintain our status, so that when you do need tickets,

we can help.

The healthy growth in Chelsea Supporters’ Club Vancouver’s membership and attendance is a

result of the continued efforts of all our members in promoting our club and in particular Natasha

Donovan’s and Tom Johnson’s enthusiasm for the club, combined with the excellent service

and support from the management and staff of The Brass Fish.

Thank you for being a member. I look forward to seeing you at matches, particularly any longtime

fans that lost the habit of coming to the pub during the pandemic and the closure of the

beloved New Oxford – you are very welcome to regain the habit, to experience The Brass Fish’s

hospitality, and to share the joy (and some pain) of being a Chelsea fan with fellow supporters.

Keeping the Blue Flag Flying High in Vancouver.


Gerard Toms, President Chelsea Supporters’ Club Vancouver

Notice To Reader

I have compiled the balance sheet of Chelsea Supporters’ Club Vancouver

as at May 31,2024 and the statement of income & expenses for the period then ended from information provided by management.


Harvey Lawson

Date June 27, 2024 Treasurer